Coaching the Javelin Throw The javelin throw has three main phases; the approach, the power position, and the delivery. However, the first step to learning the javelin throw is the grip and proper release mechanics of the javelin. Approach Use checkmarks Gradual build up in speed Javelin Withdrawn Accelerate Create separation Keep the javelin behind […]
Discus Throw Drills Video
Shot Put and Discus Throw Technique
World Athletics breaks down the throwing technique into different phases; preparation, momentum building, delivery, and recovery . The preparation and momentum phases are the start, preliminary movements that vary with each event, and the power position in the circle throwing events.
Discus Throwing Medicine Ball Video
Coaching Note: individual differences dictate the spacing between the knees out of the back of the circle; a quicker athlete may want to keep the feet tighter to generate more velocity; a taller athlete may use a wider right leg to take advantage of the thrower’s long levers.
Glide Shot Put Practice
The glide shot put practice outline includes progressions that are recommended as the thrower learns the technique of the glide shot put. Some drills might take longer (or shorter) to develop properly depending on the learning curve of the athlete. The coach should monitor each athlete and progress to the next drill in the sequence […]
Javelin Throw Off-Season Training
Coaches like to know workouts and how the pieces of the puzzle of an overall training plan fit together. Within the framework of the overall training plan, daily planning is one critical factor for success. Outlined is a typical training session for a javelin thrower starting with developing the approach run. The ideal approach distance […]
Discus Throw Practice Plan
Teaching Beginners The Discus Throw All discus throwers should begin with no reverse throws at the start of the season and add reverse throws as the technique becomes consistent. Daily practice sessions include warm up exercises Sample Dynamic Warm Up 2x30m each exercise Tip: start with low velocity movements and build up to higher intensity […]
Teaching The Hammer Throw Lesson 1
Teaching the Hammer Throw Starting Position The thrower and hammer will work as one unit, turning together: the thrower-hammer system will always stay aligned for beginning hammer throwers. Start on the track with the hammer thrower holding a hurdle board or golf club. The thrower will set up with both feet flat, shoulder width apart, […]